La vuelta al mundo musical de Tom Waits es una de las buenas noticias del último trimestre de 2011. Bad as me es un disco con trece canciones, quizá sin demasiadas pretensiones, pero que se escucha con mucho placer. Si no sabéis mucho de este cantante que lleva calladamente 38 publicando discos, os recomiendo leer un buen artículo que apareció en el suplemento semanal del diario El País, hace un par de semanas
A mi me parece un disco muy agradable, de oír y deseo despedir el año, con el último tema del disco,
Al final, os dejo la letra de la canción por si la quieres cantar, pero antes para cerrar de veras quiero poner el último tema del primer disco de Tom Waits, Closing Time, del año 1973, un disco encantador para mi gusto que pasó bastante desapercibido en ese momento, este tema es instrumental, y está tocado por Waits para un programa de la BBC el 26 de julio de 1979
Feliz y próspero año nuevo para el mundo, que supongo que casi todos nos merecemos
Mas cosas: Hace poco el amigo José Luis Subtil, colgó una preciosa versión del primer tema de Closing Time: OI'55, como es una canción preciosa y una buena versión os recomendaría oirla, pinchando en el título de la canción.
Letra de New Year's Eve:
The door was open, I was seething
Your mother burst in, it was freezing
She said it looks like it's trying to rain
I was lost, I felt seasick
You convinced me that he'd left
You said keep talking, but don't use any names
i scolded your driver, and your brother
We're all old enough
To know how long you've been hooked
And we've all been to the war
And each time you score
Someone gets hauled in and handcuffed and booked
It felt like four in the morning
What sounded like fireworks turned out to be
Just what it was
The stars looked like diamonds
And then came the sirens,
And everyone started to cuss
All the noise was disturbing
I couldn't find Irving
It was like two stations on at the same time
They hided your car keys
I made black coffee
I dumped out the rest on the rug
Nick and Sequora broke up
And Candice wouldn't shut up
And Finn recorded the whole thing
Pray he said damn you
Someone broke my camera
It was New Year's
And we all started to sing:
Should all aquaintance
Be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should all aquaintance
Be forgot
For the sake of all hangs high?
I was leaving in the morning
With drawers full of las vegas
I didn't have a plan to come back
I had only a few things
200 dollars
And my records in a brown paper sack
Ran out of ?
Everything's in storage
Calvin's right
I should go back to driving trucks
Should all aquaintance
be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should all aquaintance
Be forgot
For the sake of all hangs high?